Beliefs and Values

At The Nest, we believe…

*that children are born with a natural ability to learn from their surroundings and experiences.

*that all children have the right to a safe, loving and nurturing environment in which to grow and explore the world.

*in the collaboration between children, teachers, parents and community.

*the educator’s job is to support and deepen the innate affinity towards learning.

*that open and honest communication and dialogue among educators and families is a cornerstone to positive experiences for children.

*that all individuals are unique in their perspective and have the right to share their ideas in a respectful environment.

*in a high level of responsibility for all to support the school environment.

*that the school creates an organic, dynamic and changing culture in which to navigate and grow.

*that a school is connected to a larger community and the school has a responsibility to enter into intentional and purposeful exchange with the community.

At The Nest, we value…

RELATIONSHIPS. Relationships are nurtured in a culture of connection, collaboration, and caring.

EXPERIMENTATION. Through experimentation, we embrace creativity, inquiry and exploration as essential components of learning and teaching.

EMPATHY. Empathy emerges in a culture of openness, curiosity, reflection, perspective-taking, and awareness.

JOY. Joy makes living and learning more meaningful and pleasurable.

Above all, we value the joy, inquisitiveness and sanctity of childhood.


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