Mika Fengler

Mika Fengler

Mika started working at The Nest in 2017. She has worked in every classroom and with every age group at the school. She is often inspired by children’s wonder and curiosity in relating to their environments. She takes special interest in engaging with her students to work through stressful situations and guide children’s emotions, so they can use their tenacity to learn from these challenges. She believes that helping children find the tools and words to express themselves builds autonomy and confidence.

Mika has a passion for the natural world, and she has worked as a farmer locally. She also has had the opportunity to be a Programs Assistant in Education at The Atlanta Botanical Gardens. She tries to instill an admiration and respect for nature in the children. She also works part time as an artist specializing in photography, which helps deepen her materials work in the classroom. She loves to meld her own interests with those of the children’s to create a deeper experience for everyone.

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